PU synchrónny pás
At Goodwill, we are a one-stop solution for your power transmission needs. We not only manufacture timing pulleys, but also timing belts that are perfectly matched to them. Naše časovacie pásy sa dodávajú v rôznych zubných profiloch, ako sú MXL, XL, L, H, XH, T2,5, T5, T10, T20, AT3, AT5, AT10, AT20, 3M, 5M, 8M, 14M, S3M, S5M, S8M, S14M, P5M, P8M a P14M. When selecting a timing belt, it is important to consider the material that is suitable for the intended application. Časové pásy Goodwill sú vyrobené z termoplastického polyuretánu, ktorý má vynikajúcu elasticitu, vysokú teplotu a odoláva nepriaznivým účinkom kontaktu oleja. What's more, they also feature steel wire or aramid cords for added strength.